


来源: 管理员



性别:                           出生年月: 19871               

籍贯: 河南新乡                    学位: 理学博士                   

职称:教授/硕导                   研究方向: 生物质能源资源化利用                     

政治面貌: 中共党员                邮箱: [email protected]                             

电话: 13917164174                 硕士招生专业: 化学化工飞禽走兽 --环境科学/化学工程



曹磊昌,博士,教授,河南大学黄河学者。主要从事生物质能源资源化利用研究,通过热化学方法由废弃生物质制备高值化学品和功能化碳材料。发表学术论文39篇,含SCI论文26篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,EI论文4篇,ISTP论文1篇,他引1317次,High-Index=18。其中以第一/通讯作者在能源化学化工领域权威期刊Coordination Chemistry ReviewsIF=22.315)、Applied EnergyIF=9.948)、Journal of Cleaner ProductionIF=8.49)、Bioresource TechnologyIF=9.139)等发表SCI论文18篇,按发表当年计算,篇均影响因子>7.0,累积影响因子120.3。参与编写英文学术专著1部。主持国家自然基金青年基金1项、河南省重点研发与科技攻关项目1项、香港理工大学博士后重点项目1项,参与国家科技支撑计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上基金和青年基金项目等共7项。获上海市科技进步二等奖1项,上海市产学研合作优秀项目二等奖1项,上海高校创造发明科技创业杯三等奖2项,上海同济高廷耀基金会第十一届青年博士人才奖学金1项,开封市科技创新人才奖1项。申请国家发明专利25件,已授权9件,申请实用新型专利11件,已授权10件。

受邀担任Review for Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (IF=29.394)Applied Energy (IF=9.948)Energy (IF=5.537)Fuel (IF=5.128) Energy&Fuels (IF=3.50)Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=7.65)Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=8.491)Bioresource Technology (IF=9.139) Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology (IF=5.98)Science of Total Environment (IF=5.589)Waste Management (IF=5.431)Chemosphere (IF=5.108)Journal of Soils and Sediments (IF=2.669) 等近20国际期刊审稿人



2013.92016.10   复旦大学             环境工程              理学博士     

2010.92013.7    上海应用技术大学     应用化学              工学硕士     

2006.92010.7    上海应用技术大学     轻化工程              工学学士




2021.5~今               河南大学,迈阿密飞禽走兽 /化学化工飞禽走兽 环境系           教授(破格),黄河学者

2019.112021.4          河南大学,迈阿密飞禽走兽 /化学化工飞禽走兽 环境系           黄河学者特聘教授

2017.62020.9           香港理工大学,土木及环境工程系                    博士后

2016.112017.5          复旦大学,环境系                                  研究助理




[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(52100164),2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持

[2] 河南省重点研发与科技攻关项目(2112230197),2022.01-2023.12,在研,主持

[3] 河南大学黄河学者人才引进项目,2020.01-2024.12,在研,主持

[4] 香港理工大学博士后重点项目(G-YW2C),2017.06-2019.06,结题,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21577025),2016.01-2019.12,结题,参与

[6] 国家科技部支撑计划课题(2015BAD15B06-4),2015.04-2019.3,结题,参与

[7] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(21407027),2015.01-2017.12,结题,参与

[8] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51408133),2015.01-2017.12,结题,参与

[9] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(21102093),2012.01-2014.12,结题,参与

[10] 华特迪斯尼(上海)有限公司委托项目(1321),2014.04-2017.12,结题,主要参与人




2021  开封市科技创新人才

2015  上海市科技进步二等奖

2014  上海市产学研合作优秀项目二等奖

2014  上海同济高廷耀基金会第十一届青年博士人才奖学金

2015  第二十一届上海高校学生创造发明科技创业杯三等奖

2012  第十八届上海高校学生创造发明科技创业杯三等奖





Leichang Cao, Danel C. W. Tsang, Shicheng Zhang*. Bio-oil production through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of biomass: Recent development and future prospects. In Handbook of Biodiesel and Petrodiesel Fuels: Science, Technology, Health, and Environment. Volume 1. Biodiesel Fuels: Science, Technology, Health, and Environment, ed. O. Konur. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2021.



[1] Yan C, Jin J, Wang J, Zhang F, Cao LC*, Zhou Y, Han Q. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for the efficient removal of contaminants from water: Underlying mechanisms, recent advances, challenges, and future prospects. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2022, in press. (JCR一区TOP, IF=22.315)

[2] Cao LC, Cho DW, Wang D, Tsang DCW, Zhang S, Ok YS, Kwon EE, et al., Microwave-assisted low-temperature hydrothermal treatment of red seaweed (Gracilaria lemaneiformis) for production of levulinic acid and algae hydrochar. Bioresource Technology 2019;273:251-258. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139) (ESI高被引论文)

[3] Cao LC, Yu IKM, Tsang DCW, Zhang S, Ok YS, Kwon EE, et al., Phosphoric acid-activated wood biochar for catalytic conversion of starch-rich food waste into glucose and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. Bioresource Technology 2018;267:242-248. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139) (ESI高被引论文)

[4] Cao LC, Yu IKM, Liu Y, Ruan X, Tsang DCW, Zhang S, Hunt AJ, Lignin valorization for the production of renewable chemicals: State-of-the-art review and future prospects. Bioresource Technology 2018;269:265-275. (Invited review, JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139) (ESI高被引论文)

[5] Yan C, Cao LC*, Han Q. Microalgal bioremediation of heavy metal pollution in water: Recent advances, challenges, and prospects. Chemosphere 2022;286, 131870. (JCR二区TOP, IF=8.107)

[6] Tian Y, Cao LC*, Han Q. A review on solid acid catalysis for sustainable production of levulinic acid and levulinate esters from biomass derivatives. Bioresource Technology 2021;342, 125977. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139)

[7] Cao LC, Yu IKM, Xiong XN, Tsang DCW, Zhang SC. Biorenewable hydrogen production through biomass gasification: A review and future prospects. Environmental Research 2020;186,109547.  (JCR二区TOP, IF=5.715)

[8] Cao LC, Luo G, Tsang DCW, Chen H, Zhang S, Chen J. A novel process for obtaining high quality cellulose acetate from green landscaping waste. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018;176: 338-347. (JCR一区TOP, IF=8.491)

[9] Cao LC, Chen H, Luo G, Tsang DCW, Hao S, Zhang S, Chen J. Optimizing xylose production from pinewood sawdust through dilute-phosphoric-acid hydrolysis by response surface methodology. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018; 178 :572-579. (JCR一区TOP, IF=8.491)

[10] Cao LC, Yu IKM, Chen SS, Tsang DCW, Wang L, Xiong XN, Zhang S, et al. Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from starch-rich food waste catalyzed by sulfonated biochar. Bioresource Technology 2018;252:76-82. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139)

[11] Cao LC, Zhang C, Chen HH, Tsang DCW, Luo G, Zhang SC, et al. Hydrothermal liquefaction of agricultural and forestry wastes: state-of-the-art review and future prospects. Bioresource Technology 2017;245:1184-93. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139)

[12] Cao LC, Zhang C, Hao SL, Luo G, Zhang SC, Chen JM. Effect of glycerol as co-solvent on yields of bio-oil from rice straw through hydrothermal liquefaction. Bioresource Technology 2016;220:471-8. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.139)

[13] Cao LC, Luo G, Zhang SC, Chen JM. Bio-oil production from eight selected green landscaping wastes through hydrothermal liquefaction. RSC Advances 2016;6:15260-70. (JCR三区, IF=3.09)

[14] Cao LC, Wang JN, Liu KJ, Han S. Ethyl acetoacetate: A potential bio-based diluent for improving the cold flow properties of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Applied Energy 2014;114:18-21. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.948)

[15] Cao LC, Wang JN, Liu C, Chen YW, Liu KJ, Han S. Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer: A bio-based cold flow improver for waste cooking oil derived biodiesel blends. Applied Energy 2014;132:163-7. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.948)

[16] Cao LC, Zhang SC. Production and characterization of biodiesel derived from Hodgsonia macrocarpa seed oil. Applied Energy 2015;146:135-40. (JCR一区TOP, IF=9.948)

[17] Wang JN, Zhao WN, Ai YN, Chen HY, Cao LC*, Han S. Improving the fuel properties of biodiesel via complementary blending with diesel from direct coal liquefaction. RSC Advances 2015;5:45575-81. (通讯作者, JCR三区, IF=3.09)

[18] Wang JN, Cao LC, Han S. Effect of polymeric cold flow improvers on flow properties of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Fuel 2014;117:876-81. (JCR一区TOP, IF=5.128)

[19] Nie SY, Cao LC*. Effect of Mixed Commercial Cold Flow Improvers on Flow Properties of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil. Processes 2020;8:1094. (JCR三区, IF=2.824)

[20] Chen H, Rao Y, Cao LC, Shi Yan, Hao SL, Luo Gang, et al. Hydrothermal conversion of sewage sludge: Focusing on the characterization of liquid products and their methane yields. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018;357:367-375. (JCR一区TOP, IF=8.355) (ESI高被引论文)

[21] Xiong XN, Yu IKM, Cao LC, Tsang DCW, Zhang SC, Ok YS. A review of biochar-based catalysts for chemical synthesis, biofuel production, and pollution control. Bioresource Technology 2017;246:254-70. (JCR一区TOP, IF=6.669) (ESI高被引论文)

[22] Younas R, Huang L, Zhang K, Cao LC, Zhang L, Khan M, et al. Selective production of ethyl lactate from rice straw in the presence of lewis and brønsted acids. Waste and Biomass Valorization 2019, 1-14. (JCR四区, IF=2.358)

[23] Xiong XN, Yu IKM, Chen SS Tsang DCW, Cao LC, Song H, et al., Sulfonated biochar as acid catalyst for sugar hydrolysis and dehydration. Catalysis Today 2018;314:52-61. (JCR二区, IF=4.888)

[24] Hao SL, Chen KF, Cao LC, Zhu XD, Luo G, Zhang SC, et al. Separation of high-purity syringol and acetosyringone from rice straw-derived bio-oil by combining the basification-acidification process and column chromatography. Electrophoresis. 2016;37:2522-30. (JCR三区, IF=2.754)

[25] Younas R, Zhang SC, Zhang LW, Luo G, Chen KF, Cao LC, et al. Lactic acid production from rice straw in alkaline hydrothermal conditions in presence of NiO nanoplates. Catalysis Today 2016;274:40-8. (JCR二区, IF=4.888)

[26] Liu C, Cao LC, Ma P, Wang JN, Rong SF, Han S. A novel one-step flocculation method for recycling wasterolling oil. Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects 2016;38:2043-9. (JCR四区)


[27] 赵维娜,王介妮,艾亚妮,曹磊昌,于娜,韩生.生物柴油冬化处理研究进展[J].材料导报,2014,28(S2):225-228. (EI)

[28] 艾亚妮,王介妮,赵维娜,曹磊昌,韩生.利用乙醇制备地沟油生物柴油的应用前景[J].材料导报,2014,28(13):46-51. (EI)

[29] 刘益林,王介妮,曹磊昌,韩生.碳气凝胶复合材料在超级电容器中应用的研究进展[J].现代化工,2014,34(06):28-31. (中文核心)

[30] 刘扩金,王介妮,曹磊昌,韩生.碱性离子液体催化制备生物柴油研究进展[J].材料导报,2013,27(S1):227-229. (EI)

[31] 王介妮,曹磊昌,刘扩金,韩生.微藻制备生物柴油的研究进展[J].现代化工,2013,33(05):36-3 9. (中文核心)

[32] 曹磊昌,韩生.降凝剂与乙酸酯类溶剂复配对生物柴油的影响[J].材料导报,2013,27(02):109-111. (EI)

[33] 曹磊昌,韩生.酸性离子液体催化制备生物柴油的研究进展[J].上海化工,2012,37(10):15-19.

[34] 韩生,曹磊昌.超临界甲醇法制备生物柴油技术的研究进展[J].材料导报,2012,26(15):137-140+150. (EI)

[35] 牛庆华,曹磊昌,张婉萍.固体纳米脂质微粒的制备及性能表征[J].日用化学工业,2009,39(05):317-320+324. (中文核心)



[1] 曹磊昌,孙雨馨,张语轩. 一种具备型号分类功能的电池回收装置. 河南:CN214421417U,2021.10.19.(已授权)

[2] 曹磊昌,孙雨馨. 一种生物炭成型燃料燃烧烟尘的清洁装置.河南:CN213527991U,2021.06.25.(已授权)

[3] 曹磊昌,孙雨馨,徐嘉颖. 一种从秸秆中获取生物质炭燃料的节能装置.河南:CN213416768U,2021.06.11.(已授权)

[4] 曹磊昌,韩生,王宇红,方曦,朱贤,郁平. 一种模拟生物柴油及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海:CN102492494A,2012-06-13. (已授权)

[5] 曹磊昌,牛庆华,张婉萍. 一种UVB防晒乳液及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN101589997,2009-12-02.(已授权)

[6] 孙雨馨,曹磊昌,张语轩. 一种防内部生锈的车锁. 河南:CN214835470U,2021.11.23.(已授权)

[7] 孙雨馨,曹磊昌,张语轩. 一种可活动式拼接衣架. 河南:CN214433554U. 2021.10.22.(已授权)

[8] 聂司宇,曹磊昌,聂永礼,王振红,付立新,蔡民,燃气增效混合装置.河北:CN212680875U,2021.03.12.(已授权)

[9] 聂司宇,曹磊昌,聂永礼,王振红,付立新,蔡民,燃气增效混合装置.河北:CN111569769A2020.08.25.(已授权)

[10] 张士成,曹磊昌,陈凯绯,陈建民. 利用废弃生物质去除废水中重金属并提高生物油质量的方法[P]. 上海:CN105800720B,2016-07-27. (已授权)

[11] 张士成,曹磊昌,陈建民. 一种利用经稀酸和乙酰化预处理生物质制备芳香醛的方法[P]. 上海:CN105924336A,2016-09-07.

[12] 张士成,曹磊昌,陈建民. 一种利用稀酸预处理提高生物质基醋酸纤维素质量的方法[P]. 上海:CN105820258A,2016-08-03.

[13] 张士成,曹磊昌,潘怡灵,张正铭,陈建民. 一种利用废弃生物质制备木糖并得到磷酸钙副产品的方法[P]. 上海:CN105803121A,2016-07-27. (已授权)

[14] 韩生,陈红艳,曹磊昌,蔺华林,刘金宝,薛原,常兴,李勇. 一种高效制备生物油的方法[P]. 上海:CN105199769A,2015-12-30.

[15] 韩生,陈红艳,曹磊昌,蔺华林,薛原,马鹏,余焓,于飞,卢德力,蒋继波,李原婷,邱丰,裴素鹏,祝俊,何忠义,熊丽萍,陈凯绯,孙赛楠,常兴,李勇. 一种用有机溶剂催化废弃生物质高效制备醋酸纤维素的方法[P]. 上海:CN105131128A,2015-12-09.

[16] 张士成,郝诗来,陈凯绯,曹磊昌,吕航,陈建民. 一种从生物油中分离提纯2,6-二甲氧基苯酚和乙酰丁香酮的方法[P]. 上海:CN105037111A,2015-11-11. (已授权)

[17] 韩生,陈亚辉,蔺华林,袁方,赵维娜,王介妮,季娇,李飞,曹磊昌. 一种纯生物柴油及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN104804877A,2015-07-29.

[18] 张士成,曹磊昌,郝诗来,张婷婷,陈建民. 一种利用稻草在甘油-水共溶剂体系中高效制备生物油的方法[P]. 上海:CN104449790A,2015-03-25.

[19] 张士成,吕航,郝诗来,杨潇,陈凯绯,曹磊昌,陈建民. 一种从生物质水热液化液相产物中分离提纯2,6-二甲氧基苯酚的方法[P]. 上海:CN104193597A,2014-12-10.(已授权)

[20] 张士成,曹磊昌,张婷婷,郝诗来,陈建民. 一种一次性分离并回收木质纤维素生物质中纤维素、半纤维素及木质素的方法[P]. 上海:CN104164801A,2014-11-26.

[21] 韩生,王介妮,曹磊昌,赵维娜,王聪,冷鹏飞. 全方位气压喷雾罐[P]. 上海:CN203778242U,2014-08-20.(已授权)

[22] 韩生,王介妮,曹磊昌,王淼,武慧慧. 气压喷雾罐[P]. 上海:CN203372619U,2014-01-01.(已授权)

[23] 韩生,刘慧,曹磊昌,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,朱贤,王爱民. 城市用多功能防风晾衣架[P]. 上海:CN203234513U,2013-10-16. (已授权)

[24] 韩生,刘慧,曹磊昌,吴振伟,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,朱贤,王爱民. 城市用自行车防摔保护装置[P]. 上海:CN203127016U,2013-08-14.(已授权)

[25] 韩生,王介妮,曹磊昌,祝俊,毕东苏,王宇红,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,朱贤,王爱民. 一种喷雾式聚甲基丙烯酸酯类生物柴油降凝剂及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN103224821A,2013-07-31.

[26] 韩生,王介妮,刘扩金,李天亮,曹磊昌,何忠义,熊丽萍,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,祝俊,王爱民. 一种生物柴油及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN103074163A,2013-05-01. (已授权)

[27] 韩生,曹磊昌,贺丙飞,王金钻,王介妮,刘扩金,何忠义,熊丽萍,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,祝俊,王爱民. 一种碳酸二异辛酯的合成方法[P]. 上海:CN103058873A,2013-04-24.

[28] 韩生,缪树婷,曹磊昌,王金钻,王建华,夏乃洁,何忠义,熊丽萍,郁平,孙揭阳,高峰,朱贤,王爱民. 一种高耐蚀性三价铬蓝白钝化液及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海:CN103046037A,2013-04-17. (已授权)

[29] 韩生,曹磊昌,王宇红,高峰,郁平,孙揭阳,朱贤,刘天齐,李然. 一种含有吐温表面活性剂的生物柴油降凝剂组合物及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN102690692A,2012-09-26.

[30] 韩生,曹磊昌,刘天齐,李然,孙揭阳,郁平,朱贤,王爱民. 一种乙酸酯类溶剂型柴油降凝剂及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海:CN102634390A,2012-08-15. (已授权)

[31] 韩生,曹磊昌,刘天齐,李然,孙揭阳,郁平,朱贤,王爱民. 一种生物柴油降凝剂组合物及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海:CN102634391A,2012-08-15.

[32] 韩生,曹磊昌,朱贤,刘天齐,李然. 一种柴油降凝剂组合物及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海:CN102517104A,2012-06-27. (已授权)

[33] 张婉萍,牛庆华,曹磊昌. 一种纳米脂质防晒微粒悬浮液及其制备方法[P]. 上海:CN101406442,2009-04-15. (已授权)




[1] Cao LC, Iris KMY, Tsang DCW, Zhang SC, Phosphoric acid-activated wood biochar for catalytic conversion of starch-rich food waste into glucose and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET2018), UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel, Athens, GA USA, July 2018.

2] Cao LC, Zhang C, Chen HH, Tsang DCW, Luo G, Zhang SC, Hydrothermal liquefaction of agricultural and forestry wastes: state-of-the-art review and future prospects. 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource (BWR2017) , Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PR China, May 2017.

[3] Cao LC, Zhang C, Chen HH, Luo G, Zhang SC, Novel process for obtaining high quality cellulose acetate from green landscaping wastes. 10th Chinese National Graduate student Biomass Energy Technical Conference 2016, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, PR China, Aug. 2016.

[4] Cao LC, Luo G, Zhang SC, Xylose production from waste biomass through acid hydrolysis with response surface methodology through hydrothermal liquefaction. 9th Chinese National Graduate student Biomass Energy Technical Conference 2015, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, PR China, Aug. 2015.

[5] Cao LC, Zhang C, Feasibility of bio-oil production from green landscaping waste through hydrothermal liquefaction. 8th National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference 2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing, PR China, Oct. 2015.

[6] Cao LC, Zhang C, Effect of glycerol as co-solvent on yields of bio-oil from rice straw through hydrothermal liquefaction. 13th APRU Doctoral Student Conference 2014, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 2014.

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