Key Laboratory of Polyacid Chemistry in Henan Province
The “Key laboratory of polyacid chemistry in Henan Province” was first established in 1996, while approved in 2012. After several years of development and practice, it has formed three stable research direction-- the synthesis and structural analysis of polyacid, new polyacid materials and polyacid catalysts. Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Laboratory is Academician Hong Maochun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Niu Jingyang is the director of the laboratory, and there are 20 fixed researchers (including 6 professors and 11 associate professors, 1 distinguished professor at the provincial level, and a distinguished professor at the school level and 16 PhDs), among whom there are 1 expert who receives special government allowances, 1 outstanding expert of Henan Province, 1 academic and technological leader of Henan Province, and 6 excellent university key teachers of Henan Province. The laboratory covers a total area of 1200 square meters, with its large and medium-sized equipment worth 14.62 million yuan, which including a single crystal diffractometer, fluorescence spectrometer, ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrometer, surface and porosity analyzer, and electrochemical integrated analysis system. With active academic exchange, the laboratory has established stable communication and cooperation with many colleges and research institutions at home and abroad such as the Lehigh University in the United States, the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom, Jacobs University in Germany and Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, Xiamen University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Northeast Normal University and the Institute of Chemistry and Process Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fujian Institute of Materials, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry and so on. In recent years, the researches carried out by the laboratory have received innovative results, which also attracted extensive attention of its peers at home and abroad. These researches including the synthesis and structural analysis of niobium-containing polyacids, the synthesis of polyacids composed of organic phosphonic acids and its drug activity, the synthesis and structure of polyacid carbonyl derivatives, and the catalytic performance of polyacids. At present, the laboratory undertakes more than 30 research projects at the national and provincial-leve, with a research funding of 11 million yuan, which including 13 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Together with over 300 SCI-collected papers published which were cited more than 1,500 times, it has obtained 6 identified research result and won 1 the third prize of the Henan Science and Technology Progress Award, other dozens of awards, and obtained 1 national invention patent.