
Jingping Wang


Name:Jingping Wang

Department:College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Professional:professor(second level)



E-mail:[email protected]

Individual resume

Doctoral supervisor, special term professor of Henan University, director of Institute of Molecular and Crystal Engineering. Gainer of the following honors: nationwide May Day woman model, Labor Day medal of Henan province, outstanding person in new century in universities of Henan province, young core teacher of Henan province, academic and technology leader of Education Department of Henan province, excellent teacher of Henan province, teaching model of Henan province and famous teacher of Henan University.

Main Education Experince

1995.9-1996.9 Chemistry College of Nanjing University, visiting scholar

1986.9-1989.7 Chemistry College of Northeast Normal University, graduate

1982.9-1986.7 Chemistry College of Northeast Normal University, undergraduate

Main Work Experince

2012.5 to now. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, special term professor of Henan University, doctoral supervisor

2010.4-2012.4. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, special term professor of Henan University, director of Institute of Molecular and Crystal Engineering

2002.12-2010.3. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, professor

1996.12-2002.10. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, associate professor

1992.5-1996.11. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, lecturer

1989.7-1992.4. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, teaching assistant

Teaching Course

Undergraduate: “Inorganic Chemistry”, ‘Inorganic Chemistry Experiments” and “Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry”, graduate: “Brief Introduction for Inorganic Synthetic Method”

Reserch Direction

Polyoxometalates chemistry and functional coordination compounds

Research achievements

Undertook and finished more than 10 items of projects of State Natural Sciences Foundation and Outstanding Person in New Century in universities of Henan province, published nearly 300 SCI research papers, 1 professional work and 2 textbooks, acquired 1 item of second class prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Henan province, 1 item of third class prize of this award, also acquired more than 10 items of first or second class prizes of Science and Technology Excellent Paper Award of Henan province, in addition, has 5 items of identified achievements.

Representative Papers

1. Jin Wang, Wenjie Shi, Shujie Li, Qiyun Mao, Pengtao Ma, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, Construction of a new binding manner in carboxylic acid functionalized phosphomolybdates. , Dalton Trans., 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8dt01540f.

2. Yaping Wang, Jingkun Lu, Xinyi Ma, Yanjun Niu, Vikram Singh, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu*, Jingping Wang*, Synthesis, characterization and catalytic oxidation of organosilanes with a novel multilayer polyoxomolybdate containing mixed-valence antimony. Mol. Catal., 2018, 452, 167−174.

3. Yu Huo, Rong Wan, Pengtao Ma, Junliang Liu, Yancong Chen, Dandan Li, Jingyang Niu*, Jingping Wang*, and Ming-Liang Tong*, Organophosphonate-Bridged Polyoxometalate-Based Dysprosium(III) Single-Molecule Magnet, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 12687–12691

4. Zhijie Liang, Junjun Sun, Dongdi Zhang, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu*, and Jingping Wang*, Assembly of TeO32- Ions Embedded in an Nb/O Cage with Selective Decolorization of Organic Dye, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 10119–10122.

5. Jiage Jia, Yanjun Niu, Panpan Zhang, Dongdi Zhang, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*, A Monomeric Tricobalt(II)-Substituted Dawson-Type Polyoxometalate Decorated by a Metal Carbonyl Group: [P2W15O56Co3(H2O)3(OH)3Mn(CO)3]8-. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 10131−10134

6. Jipeng Guo, Yanjun Niu, Lanying Song, Qiaofei Xu, Jingkun Lu, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu*, and Jingping Wang*, Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Epoxidation Properties of Lanthanide-Stabilized Peroxoisopolytungstates. Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 12981–12987

7. Pengtao Ma, Rong Wan, Yueyan Wang, Feng Hu, Dongdi Zhang, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*,

Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of a 2D Graphite-Like Framework Constructed from High-Nuclear Ce10

Cluster Encapsulated Polyoxotungstates,Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 918−924

8. Zhijie Liang, Dongdi Zhang, Haiying Wang, Pengtao Ma, Zongfei Yang, Jingyang Niu*and Jingping Wang*, The {Ni10Nb32} aggregate: a perspective on isopolyniobates as ligands, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 16173–16176

9.Yanfen Liang, Suzhi Li, Donghui Yang, Pengtao Ma, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*,Controllable assembly of multicarboxylic acids functionalized heteropolyoxomolybdates and allochroic properties,J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 4632—4639

10. Zhijie Liang, Dongdi Zhang, Pengtao Ma, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*,A{Co4O4} Cubane Incorporated within aPolyoxoniobate Cluster,Chem. Eur.J. 2015, 21,8380 –8383

11. Yuan Wang, Xiaopeng Sun, Suzhi Li, Pengtao Ma, Jingyang Niu,*and Jingping Wang*,Generation of Large Polynuclear Rare Earth Metal-Containing Organic−Inorganic Polytungstoarsenate Aggregates,Cryst. Growth Des., 2015, 15, 2057–2063

12.. Ling Yang, Qisen Liu, Pengtao Ma, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, CO32--Containing, Dimanganese-

Substituted Silicotungstate Trimer, K9[H14{SiW10MnIIMnIIIO38}3(CO3)]·39H2O,Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 13469–


13. Zhiyuan Huo, Juan Zhao, Zhanwei Bu, Pengtao Ma, Qisen Liu, Jingyang Niu*, Jingping Wang*, Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Carbon Dioxide and Epoxides Catalyzed by a Keggin-Type Polyoxometalate-Supported Rhenium Carbonyl Derivate in Ionic Liquid, ChemCatChem., 2014, 6, 3096–3100

14. Qiaohua Geng, Qisen Liu, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*,Synthesis, crystal structure and photocatalytic properties of an unprecedented arsenic-disubstituted Lindqvist-type peroxopolyoxoniobate ion: {As2Nb4(O2)4O14H1.5}4.5−, Dalton Trans.,2014,43,9843–9846

15. Zhen Zhou, Dongdi Zhang, Lu Yang, Pengtao Ma, Yanan Si, Ulrich Kortz, Jingyang Niu, * and Jingping Wang*, Nona-Copper(II)-Containing 18-Tungsto-8 Arsenate(III) Exhibits Antitumor Activity, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 5189–5191.

16. Donghui Yang,Suzhi Li, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang,*, and Jingyang Niu*, Controlled Assembly of Inorganic−Organic Frameworks Based on [SeMo6O21]4− Polyanion, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 14034−14039

17. Lu Yang, Zhen Zhou, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*, Assembly of Dimeric and Tetrameric Complexes of Polyoxomolybdobisphosphonates Built from [(Mo3O8){O3PC(O)- (CH2 3 C5NH5)PO3}]2− Subunits, Cryst. Growth Des. 2013, 13 (6), 2540–2547.

18.Jingyang Niu, Xiaoqing Zhang, Donghui Yang, Junwei Zhao, Pengtao Ma, Ulrich Kortz, and Jingping Wang*

Organodiphosphonate-Functionalized Lanthanopolyoxomolybdate Cages,Chem Eur. J.,2012, 18, 6759-6762

19. Jingping Wang, Junwei Zhao, Pengtao Ma, Junchuang Ma, Linping Yang, Yan Bai, Mingxue Li and Jingyang Niu*, A novel type of heteropolyoxoanion precursors{[Ca(H2O)]6[P4M6O34]2}12- (M = WVI,MoVI) constructed by two[P4M6O34] 12- subunits via a rare hexa-calcium cluster, Chem. Commun., 2009, 45, 2362–2364

20. Suzhi Li, Junwei Zhao, Pengtao Ma, Juan Du, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*, Rare Sandwich-Type Polyoxomolybdates Constructed from Di-/Tetra-Nuclear Transition-Metal  Clusters and Trivacant Keggin Germanomolybdate Fragments, Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 9819–9830

Undertaking Projects:

1. Design, synthesis and luminescence property study of hybrid fluorescent molecules based on polyoxometalates and small organic molecules. (21771053)

State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2018.1-2021.12, under study

2. Design, synthesis, structure and photocatalysis property study of Ruthenium-constructed polyoxometalates. (21571050)

State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2016.1-2019.12, under study

3. Design, synthesis, structure and property study of polyoxometalate-based single-molecular magnet. (91222102)

State Natural Sciences Foundation major research plan/incubation program, 2013.1-2015.12, completed

4. Design, preparation and functionality study of derivatives of multicarboxylic acids, rare earth metals and mono-lucunary heteropolyanions. (21171048)

State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2012.1-2015.12, completed

5. Synthesis, structure and physical property study of carbonyl derivatives supported by Keggin-type Polymetallic oxygen cluster. (20771034)

State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2008.1-2010.12, completed

6. Synthesis and property study of hybrid materials based on Polymetallic oxygen cluster anions. (2005HANCET-02)

Assistance Program for Outstanding Person in New Century in Universities of Henan Province,

2005.1-2007.12, completed

7. Design, synthesis and luminescence property study of complex fluorescent materials based on polyoxometalates and small organic molecules. (162300410015)

Natural Sciences Foundation of Henan Province, 2017.1-2018.12, under study

8. Synthesis, structure and property study of rare earth metal oxygen cluster framework compounds. (102300410021)

Foundation and Frontier Technology Study of Henan province, 2010.1-2012.12, completed

Professional Works and Textbooks:

“Generality on Heteropoly Compounds”, Jingyang Niu, Jingping Wang, Henan University Press, 2000.

“Inorganic Chemistry Experiments”, Duo Zhou, Jingping Wang, Chemical Industry Press, 2010.