High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
Model: Esquire LC
Manufacturer: Bruker Company,Germany
Purchase date: January,2003
Technical indicators:
Liquid chromatography section:
1. The quaternary gradient pump, 0.001-10ml/min;
2. Four-way vacuum on-line degassing;
3. Detector: diode array detector (190-950nm), refractive index detector.
Mass Spectrum:
1. Ion source: ESI source, APCI source;
2. Mass analyzer: ion trap;
3. Quality range: 50-6000aum;
4. Quality Accuracy: ± 0.1 aum;
5. MSn: n=11
The instrument consists of liquid and mass spectrometry. It can be used on-line or separately. When it is separated, the sample can be analyzed by liquid chromatography to obtain the chromatogram; the mass spectrometry of the sample can be performed to obtain one or more mass spectra. It is also possible to use the sample online to obtain the total ion current map and the UV spectra and mass spectra at each point on the total ion chromatogram. The instrument is mainly used for organic chemical products, natural products, life sciences, functional materials, Separation, identification, structure analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc.
Contact: Zhao Wenshan Tel: 0378-3881589
E-mail: [email protected]